
Welcome to serendipiku: Colin Stewart jones' blog for things mainly haiku but may also include other types of poetry, art and musings.

You can read my published work at http://www.serendipiku.com

Coup d’Oeil (A Brief Glance)

A totalitarian democracy
The People’s Republic of Me.
They’ve freedom to speak
in united states of schizophrenia;
but not if I disagree.

A perfect dictatorship
Just One at the wheel.
Revolution turns on resolution;
put down on paper.
Fait accompli!

About Me

My photo
Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Colin holds an MA in Gaelic Studies (language, history, and literature)and an MLitt in Irish and Scottish Studies. He endeavours to write Japanese haikai genres through the medium of English and inhabits a funny place somewhere between three cultures. Colin is also managing editor of Notes From the Gean magazine.

Monday 18 January 2010

Baby Steps

Baby Steps

“It’s like the land that time fucking forgot round here.” I nod in agreement as I pass my neighbour on the path. “Bloody council! We’re always the last to get anything done.” Well at least she is speaking to me today. She does have a point though. While going ahead with a new £100 million headquarters Aberdeen City Council are trying to claw back money by cutting back on what they regard as non-essential services.

Four days of snow has thawed and frozen over and over again. The search for a safe path on fresh snow has resulted is a dimpled surface rather like a golf ball made of glass. It’s easier to walk in the troughs made by car tyres. At the local corner-shop an Irish man tells me he fell on his arse twice on his way there. I think the hangover that forced him out in this weather may have had something to do with it as I wish him a safe journey home with his bottle of Grouse Whisky.

There was a day when people would clear their own paths up to their neighbour’s boundary and they would do likewise. In such a way whole streets would be cleared. On the other side of the road a mother starts laughing exaggeratedly to stop her toddler, who has just fallen on the ice, from crying. Round here it is better to be tough. As my mate John says, “sympathy is somewhere between sex and syphilis.” I don’t think anyone round here will be dreaming of a White Christmas for years to come. Mind you, for the New Year I could easily fall for a young Raquel Welch in her furry bikini.

harsh night –
a beer-can nose
on the snowman


collin barber said...

My kind of haibun, Col.

Great stuff . . . love the ku!


Colin Stewart Jones said...

thanks coll

glad you enjoyed
one we will have a beer or ten
