
Welcome to serendipiku: Colin Stewart jones' blog for things mainly haiku but may also include other types of poetry, art and musings.

You can read my published work at http://www.serendipiku.com

Coup d’Oeil (A Brief Glance)

A totalitarian democracy
The People’s Republic of Me.
They’ve freedom to speak
in united states of schizophrenia;
but not if I disagree.

A perfect dictatorship
Just One at the wheel.
Revolution turns on resolution;
put down on paper.
Fait accompli!

About Me

My photo
Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Colin holds an MA in Gaelic Studies (language, history, and literature)and an MLitt in Irish and Scottish Studies. He endeavours to write Japanese haikai genres through the medium of English and inhabits a funny place somewhere between three cultures. Colin is also managing editor of Notes From the Gean magazine.

Sunday 2 May 2010


With four other editors of top online haiku magazines, I recently took part in an article for Winning Writers designed to act as a reading primer for haiku. The article was fun to do and helped consolidate my own thinking as to what processes are involved when I write a haiku. Well, at least some of the time anyway. My thanks to Tracy Koretsky for her unwavering efforts to educate other writers on the finer points of haiku and for her complete professionalism.


The full article can be read online at winningwriters.com :


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